Ok, so I'm very unsure what to write about on this day of all days ... I've spent much of the day trying not to focus on the events of 5 years ago and the rest of the day going over it minute-by-minute ... I still find it difficult to even know how to feel. The thought that keeps coming to me over and over is how very fragile life is ... September 11 always ties in very closely to the day my Grandma Calvert died (September 17, 2001.) Life is just so short ... I think maybe we're supposed to really love the people around us and be grateful they're in our lives. I didn't see many of the specials on TV about the people who were lost on September 11, but what I did see had family members and friends talking about the people with great affection ... I think that's the big lesson. If you've got somebody really amazing in your life or somebody you're grateful for, tell them. Don't wait ...
(disclaimer: the next part is a bit Academy Awardish, so please feel free to skip it!)
As for me, I can't think of my life without getting tears in my eyes, and that goes for everyday. Anthony and Annie, the loves of my life, I love you always; Mom and Dad, there aren't any words for how much you mean to me, and how you continue to support me and love me and inspire me; Ms. Alicia and Mr. Henry, you're family, and I could never thank you for all you've done for me; Kelly and Kate, my sisters, is it possible to love you more than I do? I admire y'all so much and absolutely treasure all the memories we have ... Bubba, I love you, too, and I can't wait for your next role in life ... Mandi, Jim and Michael, the "in-laws" who are so brave to come into our crazy family: good luck and God bless you! Aunt Mar and Uncle Lar, my second parents, what can I say? Aunt Mar, your strength is something I look up to, and I love when we have a chance to really sit down and talk, Uncle Lar, you've always been there for me, and I love y'all both; however, I must continue tomorrow night (don't be too disappointed) because it is bedtime as Annie had a waking-up-a-lot night last night ...