Well, another weekend, another Saturday, another football game ... since my in-laws were in town and kept Annie Saturday night, Anthony and I went to the Vanderbilt/Auburn game. For those who might not know me, my loyalties at this game were a smidge conflicted ... Anthony works at Vandy, but my dad went to vet school at Auburn and I've rooted for Auburn WAY longer than I've been rooting for Vandy. However, since I was wearing a Vanderbilt t-shirt and sitting in a section of the stadium SURROUNDED by very vocal Vandy fans, it was truly difficult.
I think if I had gotten up and cheered for Auburn ... well, I'm just not sure what would have happened. So for the first bit of the game I more or less just sat there, but this was not working as I am not a just sitting there kind of gal, so I had to cheer for somebody. Wow, did I cave fast ... such an easily influenced soul I am.
Nonetheless, when the game ended with Vanderbilt winning by one point, we were literally stuck in our seats. Truly we couldn't have left if we wanted to since no one was moving ... seems Vandy hasn't defeated Auburn in like a million bazillion years, and the surrounding Vandy fans did NOT want to leave. They actually said things like they just wanted to "revel in the moment." Ok, fine, but it was super-hot yesterday, so all those packed-in the stadium people were beginning to smell a little not-so-fresh. I don't mean to be insensitive, but I just wanted to head for the car. But nope, the team re-emerged onto the field and we sat for a good half-hour or so. (as opposed to a bad half-hour, I guess.)
I am, however, happy to report that Mississippi State did NOT lose this weekend. Ok, fine, they didn't play but still. We'll take what we can get.
(And, Kel, if you're reading this, your strength in the face of life's adversities has always been inspirational to me ... don't forget that, and give Spence a big kiss from Annie.)
That's all ...